Re-load The Witcher: Wild Hunt to observe if the issue has been successfully solved. We recommend running a quick test to confirm that's the case.
If you've successfully replaced the file in the right location, your issues with witcher3.exe should be resolved. Worst-case, you can always attempt to contact CD PROJEKT RED if you cannot find the required file version below. If we do not have a copy of your witcher3.exe version, you can simply hit the 'Request' button to request a copy. Other Windows versions are also available (if needed).
the file in the right location, your issues with witcher3.exe should be resolved. Download a new and clean version of witcher3.exe for %%os%% in the list of files below. Witcher3.exe problems include high CPU usage, application errors. The Windows Executable File format, typically carrying the EXE file extension, are known as Executable Files. In some cases, the Windows registry is attempting to load a witcher3.exe file that no longer exists, therefore we recommend running a registry scan to repair any invalid file path references. Although annoying, these issues can usually be easily remedied through replacing the problem EXE file. These errors are often encounterd during the launch of The Witcher: Wild Hunt. The root causes of EXE executable errors associated with witcher3.exe include a missing or corrupt file, or in some cases, a malware infection.